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Links to Partner Organisations

The following is a list of links for groups related to natural resource managment associated with Capricorn Coast Landcare Group Inc.

The Fitzroy Basin Association Inc. (FBA) is the peak natural resource management organisation that promotes sustainable development in Central Queensland. They work with stakeholders across the Fitzroy Basin region who have an interest in the use and management of our natural resources to provide planning direction, information, advice and practical support. They promote sustainable development, both urban, rural and industrial, in the Fitzroy Basin through Integrated Catchment Management (ICM) processes.

Capricorn Catchments Inc (originally Fitzroy River Coastal Catchments group) are a non-government, sub-committee of the Fitzroy Basin Association from whom they receive funding. The group works with diverse landholders throughout a large area  the Fitzroy River Basin. They specifically focus on the sustainable management and use of the natural resources in the lower Fitzroy River and associated coastal catchments. Capricornia Catchments administers three service districts: Fitzroy and Coastal Catchments, Three Rivers, and Boyne Calliope.

Local government organisation for the Capricorn Coast and adjacent regions.

With the collaboration and support of federal and state government, corporate partners and local Landcare communities, there are now over 5,400 Landcare and Coastcare groups across the country. More than 20 countries have now adopted the Landcare model that was developed here in Australia.

Landcare is community owned and driven, it encourages integrated management of environmental assets with productive farmland, and it promotes a more sustainable approach to private land management.

Junior Landcare enables kids of all ages to become involved with their local landcare group and work on a range of environmental projects through school programmes, scout and guide groups, and after school activities. 

The formation of The Queensland Landcare Foundation (now know as Landcare Queensland Limited) was spearheaded by a number of long-time landcare support workers who saw the need for a Queensland based organisation equipped to encourage corporate sector and public investment in the future of Landcare in Queensland.
Queensland Water and Land Carers (QWaLC) is the peak body for natural resource management (NRM) volunteers. QWaLC's roles include representation, advocacy, promotion, networking and insurance administration.

The Authority is charged with the longterm protection and sustainable use of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. GBRMPA has strong strategic partnerships with multiple stakeholders and industries, and ensures compliance with the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act 1975. Their stewardship focus includes collaboration with 12 Local Marine Advisory Committees, Reef Advisory Committees, delivery of the Reef Guardian Programme, regional offices, and a Field Management and Compliance unit that partners with the Queensland Government.  

The cumulative effects of climate change, declining water quality, commercial and recreational fishing pressures, ports and shipping, and coastal development are key pressures on the Reef. GBRMPA works cooperatively with all levels of government, research institutions, and NRM agencies to address these pressures through policy development, regulatory systems and the creation of long term management plans.   


The Department of Environment and Heritage Protection conserves and manages our natural environment and heritage values for the benefit of all Queenslanders. It oversees the compliance and regulation of more than 25 legislative Acts including:

Coastal Protection and Management Act 1995

Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011

Environmental Protection Act 1994

Nature Conservation Act 1992

Queensland Heritage Act 1992

Sustainable Planning Act 2009

Water Act 2000 (Chapter 3)

Wet Tropics World Heritage Protection and Management Act 1993.


Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) has a vision of 'profitable primary industries for Queensland', and supports strategic industry development across four operational sectors:


Fisheries and Forestry

Biosecurity Queensland


The Australian Government Department of the Environment and Energy develops and implements national policy, programs and legislation to protect and conserve Australia's environment and promote energy research, development  and integration in Australia. 

The Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry’s role is to develop and implement policies and programs that ensure Australia's agricultural, fisheries, food and forestry industries remain competitive, profitable and sustainable.